Thursday, September 13, 2012

In these blogs I will attempt to explain, in words, the feelings I was having when I composed the piece. Composed? Constructed? Something...

I suppose it's best to begin at the beginning...

The 'Lost' series:

These pieces were brought to fruition in my mind in the early parts of the last year of my life. They made it onto paper in the last 7 months or so... They represent the losing of one's place in life.

Piece 1:


 I kept moving, telling myself I desired the movement, felt a need to travel, explore new places, but I wasn't telling myself the truth.

I was alone, and lonelier than I had ever been. I had a place to live, but I was homeless. My heart hurt, I was estranged from my son, and my lover didn't seem to understand my pain. 

My attempts to interact with society were contrived, mediocre, and left me feeling drained. 

I wanted desperately to belong somewhere, feel needed and wanted, so I searched the maps, unfolded them in my mind and plotted the locations and hearts of everyone who ever claimed to give a shit. I contacted those I believed, those I held out real hope for. Set aside a room inside me; made the bed, fluffed the pillows and invited them in...


Abuklis said...

A well told, somber story. I admire how concise and tight the narrative is, choosing the most salient details and expressions without getting indulgent. Truly, the words offer the work a more fully realized life, a marriage of two.different art forms creating a harmonious union. I wish I would have known the story earlier, painful to read, but impressive and evokes my admiration and esire to one day express myself with similar ability, though I have my doubts I would.ever ascend. Well done.

Abuklis said...

I probably never said this, but the "mapface" concept is one of my favorite, and your best, concepts of imagery. it is extremely innovative and unique, which is virtually impossible in current times because "everything has been said". Of course, your mind, spirit, and self, melded with your flourishing technique and skill will have produced, and will continue to produce innovative works that are terribly terrific, awfully awesome. You have a long career ahead of you.

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